A Dream

I wish to write to the world that all the prostituted should have.

This is my personal dream – but I want others to push aside fear and apathy and make some of this dream true.

I will not write in any order – only follow the course of my dream – like following a stream to the sea.

I am writing to voice thoughts and hopes that I am often afraid to speak to – fear of wanting too much, when in reality I want so little.

I dream of the day that no man can even imagine buying another human for his orgasm/sexual wants.

I dream of the day when the concept of buying other humans as sexual goods is seen as history, and a part of history we must never return to.

I dream that all humans can have sex without making each other into objects or sub-human.

But before that dream – I have the dreams of some steps on the way to discarding prostitution.

I dream that prostitution is view as torture and volition of the prostituted’s human rights.

I dream that all talk of prostitution being class as work or freely chosen is thrown away.

I dream that trafficking is not separated from prostitution.

I dream that under-aged prostitution is connected to the lives of the all the prostituted.

I dream that male violence is seen as the major course of terror and creating the prostituted into sub-humans.

I dream that male violence is seen in all aspects of prostitution – whether the street, a brothel, escorting etc. That it is known the punter make a choice to be violent, whatever type of prostitute he has brought.

I dream that it is seen with clear eyes that all prostitution is built on selling hate and male violence.

I dream that it become clear that prostitution is never about the welfare of the prostituted, and always about huge profits and providing living humans for men to fuck over.

My dreaming is so hard – for it hurts that so many of the prostituted are suffering for justice and dignity so far away.

I dream that we have a domino effect as more and more countries attack the demand, and follow the Nordic Approach.

I dream that multiple experiences, voices and backgrounds of exited women is the backbone and in the leadership of the abolitionist movement.

I dream that we place the multiple voice of Asian prostituted, Indigenous prostituted, poor prostituted, African prostituted, Eastern European prostituted, South American prostituted, and the prostituted from backgrounds of abuse and/or neglect have their voices in the forefront.

I dream we see into the eyes and dead voices of the “sex worker” – and see a prostitute who is the puppet of the sex trade.

That is my dreaming.


I have changed my email and Twitter – just to ease my mental state a wee bit. If need info., just write.

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